1.     We believe there is one God in the form of three persons. The Father, 
The Son and The Holy Spirit.

2.    We believe the Bible to be the inspired and infallible word of God. 

3.    We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ. We believe His virgin birth, His sinless life, His death in our place on the cross at Calvary, 
His resurrection and Ascension to Heaven and His promise of a 
personal return.

4.    We believe in the necessity of salvation through the Holy Spirit
with acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. It is by this 
act of faith and the shed blood of Jesus Christ and only through
 God’s grace and mercy that we are saved.

5.    We believe in the spiritual unity of all believers in our Lord and 
Savior Jesus Christ without regard to religious affiliation as
long as their beliefs are biblically based.

This ministry has as it’s primary function the spreading of the 
Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who participate in motorsports. 
We are an all-denominational association and believe God’s 
message is for everyone, regardless of race, creed or national origin.

Jim Rowlett, President – Rowlett Ministries